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Why First 6 Months of Blogging Is the Hardest [What to Do to Succeed]

“Every master was once a beginner. Every pro was once an amateur.” — Robin Sharma

The majority of the NEW bloggers quit their blogs within the first 6 months.

Do you know why? Here are some of the major reasons:

  • lack of traffic
  • struggling to make money
  • getting penalized by Google updates
  • not creating enough content regularly

If no one reads your blog even after creating good content, it’s REALLY difficult to continue blogging.

The good news? You’re NOT alone as everyone faces this difficult phase.

If you’re a new blogger and looking for some motivation and goals to set to become a successful blogger, this post is exclusively for you.

In this post, you’ll discover why the first 6 months of blogging are the hardest and what you should do avoid quitting blogging. Let’s jump into the details without much ado.

Why First 6 Months Of Blogging Is The Hardest: 4 Big Reasons

6 months of blogging

Reason 1: No One Knows You

A new blog is like a haunted house. No one visits it.

If you build it, they’ll come is just a myth when it comes to blogging.

You need to promote, create REALLY good content, and engage with other bloggers to get traction with your new blog.

It’s all about networking. Most bloggers don’t spend any time connecting with other bloggers.

If you don’t spend quality time connecting with other bloggers, there’s no way you can get a wider reach for your blog. Spend time on blog commenting, guest blogging, and networking with others on social media sites.

Never leave one or two-liner blog comments, always read their posts thoroughly and make meaningful comments. That’s how you will be able to get their attention to read your blogs.

blogging meme

If you have a brand new blog, spend time on guest posting as is the best way to bring more traffic and build links. Spend time analyzing your targeted blog topics and write suitable posts for them. If you often share their posts on social media sites and leave good comments, the chances of getting your guest post accepted will be more.

Reason 2: Your New Blog Doesn’t Generate Any Money

It’s extremely difficult to make money if you are a beginner in the first 6 months of blogging. Why?

Just like any other business, blogging takes time to generate revenue. If you treat it like a business, you’ll spend more time and invest in design, SEO, etc to grow it.

Moreover, your new blog doesn’t generate enough traffic to earn through different display ad programs like Google AdSense, Chitika, etc.

Similarly, people may not be interested in buying your affiliate products because they are not aware of what you sell or simply don’t trust you. So it’s hard to make money in the first six months of your blogging career.

You have to be persistent and never give up on your dreams. Always remember, that there are no shortcuts to making money online. You have to learn from your mistakes and be consistent in your efforts.

The blog you’re currently reading took several years to generate a decent income.

Now, we’re earning a full-time income from it.

Have a look at one of the earning reports;

Semrush new earnings

See that? We generated over $411,000 from one affiliate product which is Semrush affiliate program. So don’t worry if your new blog doesn’t generate money in the initial months. It takes time!

If you want to quickly make money from your blog, try to use Fiverr to monetize your skills. You can use their services like logo design, writing posts, creating ebooks, etc as this is one of the fantastic ways to make money online even if you are new to blogging. Later you can use these skills to sell your stuff using your own blogs.

Reason 3: Your Blog Barely Gets Quality Traffic

Without traffic, you can’t make money from blogging.

Traffic is the lifeblood of any successful blog. Most bloggers quit before six months of their blogging journey because they don’t see any traffic.

In the first 6 months, without having any online connections, you won’t get much traffic. Even Google takes time to index your new posts and rank your site as there are thousands of new blogs that go live every single day.

Unfortunately, there are no quick fixes to get huge traffic to your blog posts in this Google era. Google is coming with new updates like Panda, Penguin, Hummingbird, etc. They are making it hard to survive as a blogger and it is becoming hard to get more traffic to blogs from Google.

Mostly your blogging stats will look like this (in the first few months);

lack of website stats

If your blog is brand new focusing on increasing your blog traffic from search engines is a waste of time because organic traffic takes time (sometimes it may take years to get traffic from specific keywords).

Here’s our traffic report for 2021;

BP search traffic

As you can see above, we generated nearly 1.7 million page views and over 959,000 people visited our site in the last year.

Did you know how much traffic we generated when we launched the blog? Just around 3000 visitors.

What can you learn from it? Most blogs don’t get traffic. You need to create great content consistently to achieve better results.

Focus on getting traffic from social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. These 3 sites can give you a lot of traffic whenever you publish a new post. But you should build a brand for yourself on these sites to get others’ attention. Here are a few tips on how to do that.

  • Find a Facebook group to engage with other bloggers. You can join our BloggersPassion Facebook group. Use Facebook groups to your advantage, there are a lot of groups where you can promote your posts. If you have great headlines, there will be many people interested in reading and promoting your stuff. So write powerful headlines.
  • Start sharing their content from your profiles. This can help them to recognize you. Sooner or later, if your stuff is good, they will also start promoting your posts.
  • Try to get more followers on Twitter. Try to be active on it and share quality links on your Twitter timeline. Following others can also help you get more Twitter followers.

Read: Websites That Pays: List of 21 Get Paid To Blog Websites for Indian & Rest of Bloggers

Reason 4: You Don’t Know How to Create Good Content

Writing is hard especially if you are new to the blogging world.

It takes a lot of time to get good at writing and you need to convince both your readers and search engines to build a profitable blog.

Writing for both readers and search engine bots is not rocket science. Here are a few things to keep in mind to satisfy both.

  • Write for readers first. Then optimize for search engines.
  • Always write detailed posts instead of short posts (500-600 words don’t rank high in a competitive niche)
  • Linking is the key to getting more traffic (whenever you write a post, relevantly link to old posts and external linking also helps)
  • Use proper subheads, and alt tags on images and headlines to get more traffic from search engines.
  • Never copy others’ content, it definitely lowers your SERP rankings
  • Whenever you use others’ quotes, images, or references, give them credit by linking to their sites from your blog posts.

Read: Top 7 SEO Content Writing Techniques to Rank High In Google Search

If you do the above tasks every time you write a post, you will soon notice a traffic hike irrespective of Google’s latest algorithms. Just focus on producing quality stuff all the time.

Do’s and Don’ts of Blogging

In the first 6 months of blogging, most people make a lot of terrible blogging mistakes that can decide the fate of their blog. Here are some of the do’s and don’ts of blogging to build a better blog in the long run.


  • Do invest in blogging. Be it in website design, hosting or getting a premium domain name. It is all worth it if you’re aiming for long term results.
  • Learn SEO and other essential blogging related skills.
  • Learn how to write that sells.
  • Learn to be great at networking with other bloggers. After all, successful blogging is all about helping others. Tweet others stuff, mention them, link back to their posts and so on
  • Do optimize your blog posts for search engines, but give first priority to your target audience.
  • Post frequently and stick to a consistent blog posting schedule if you want to increase your traffic and get some rewarding results
  • Use proper headlines that catch your audience attention
  • Build your blog for your audience, not for you


  • Don’t write guest posts for the sake of links, do it for relationships or traffic
  • Don’t ignore your email list as it can be the most powerful asset you can have in the long run
  • Don’t copy content and publish it again on your blog
  • Don’t ignore the promotion part as it’s more important than content creation itself
  • Don’t ignore the power of building links. If you need more traffic, you need to find ways to build quality links

5 Goals to achieve in the first 6 months of blogging

As a new blogger, it’s important to set blogging goals. You can’t earn $1000 a month within six months if you’ve zero experience, but you can break down your goals into small and achievable goals to succeed in blogging.

That being said, here are the top 5 goals every blogger should aim to achieve in the first 6 months to take their blog to the next level in 2023 and beyond.

1. Build a list of 500 email subscribers

No matter what niche you’re in, start building an email list from day one.

According to Litmus, the average ROI through email marketing is $36 for every $1 spent.

email roi

An email list helps you create awareness about the products and services you offer. Just make sure to focus on sending regular email newsletters to your subscribers that add immense value instead of pitching sales emails.

Getting your first 500 email subscribers in the first 6 months should be your ideal goal which is easier to achieve if you can break down the goal into;

  • Getting your first 100 subscribers in the first 2 months
  • Reaching 250 subscribers in 4 months and
  • Finally getting your first 500 subscribers in 6 months

Here are some of the best ways to build and grow your email list;

  • Use giveaways and contests if you have a budget
  • Use freebies such as eBooks or video tutorials to collect more emails quickly
  • Write guest posts and link back to the landing pages where you can show email opt-in forms
  • Use content upgrades 

2. Build at least one income stream

If you’re new to blogging, you should know one thing: it takes time to make a decent income from blogging. 

We launched our blog BloggersPassion in 2010 and it took us several years to generate thousands of dollars a month.

Now, it’s generating over $13,000 every single month. If you want to achieve similar kinds of results, be consistent and build a passive income source.

Whether you know it or not, 9 out of 10 bloggers never make even $100 from their blogs. It’s the harsh truth, so avoid such a situation of making no money, you must find at least one income source that you can cash in on.

That being said, focus on those income streams that help you earn money even while you sleep instead of finding ways to earn money only when you work (such as freelancing). Here are a few passive income sources you can try;

  • Affiliate marketing
  • Creating and selling your own products
  • Automating your blog’s cash flow (that means, investing $100 in content creation and SEO if you’re generating $200 and repeating the process until your blog generates HUGE income)

3. Create 5 pillar blog posts

Content is king. You can’t become a successful blogger with mediocre content.

Create pillar blog posts (epic content).

Pillar blog posts contain a ton of information. 

The best example is we recently wrote a massive article on the best affiliate programs which is around 16,000 words. That’s called a pillar article because you’ll find almost every affiliate program under the sun on a wide range of topics.

Pillar blog posts are helpful for;

  • Increasing your search traffic
  • Increasing your social shares and comments
  • Attracting quality links from other sites
  • Increasing your readership 
  • Helping you establish as an expert in your industry and so on

Must Read: How to Write A Blog Post for Your Blog That Goes Viral Online In 2023

4. Increase your traffic numbers to 100 to 200 visits a day

When you have a new blog, it’s extremely difficult to get visitors from search engines. 

And… traffic is the lifeblood of any blog or website. That’s the reason why you should take baby steps and focus on achieving tiny goals. 

Instead of aiming at attracting thousands of visitors to your site from search engines, attract 100 visitors a day within 6 months and you’ll be on your way to success.

Most blogs die within 6 months due to lack of traffic. So find ways to increase your blog’s traffic. Don’t rely upon one traffic source when you have a new blog. 

Try to use platforms like Quora to write answers, use blogging forums, blog commenting, and write guest posts to bring more visitors to your new blog.

5. Earn at least $100 within the first 6 months off your blog

Earning your first $100 gives you enough momentum and courage to take your blog to the next level. 

So plan on how you can make your first $100 through your blog

Fortunately, it’s NOT rocket science. You can try offering blog services such as freelancing, writing, design, etc to start making money.

Just make sure to put an affordable entry price tag so you can easily make your first $100 within the first 6 months of blogging.

You can also try selling affiliate programs by creating informative product reviews, comparisons, or tutorials to generate your first few sales.

FAQs | First Six Months of Blogging

Here are a few important questions you might want to know if you want to succeed in the first 6 months after starting a blog.

Why no one is reading my blog?

This is one of the most common problems faced by new bloggers. There could be a lot of reasons behind not having any readership for your blog such as;

→ Your content is generic
→ You’re writing on a broad topic
→ You’re not creating anything unique, useful and problem-solving
→ You’re not spending time and money on promotion, SEO, and so on

Why isn’t my blog making money?

First things first, a new blog doesn’t make money so quickly unless you have a foolproof way to make money. Building a profitable blog takes time but if you want to get the ball rolling fast, give a try to freelancing and providing services through your blog.

How to network with others as a new blogger?

Make sure to leave comments, write guest posts for others, and connect with other bloggers on social media and email regularly to appreciate others’ efforts as they all add up in the long run.

How much traffic you should get to your website in the first 6 months?

There’s no thumb rule on how much traffic you should get to your website in the first 6 months as every industry is different and it also depends on the quality of your content and how good you’re optimizing your content for search engines.

That being said, if you’re getting at least 100 visitors a day in the first 6 months of blogging, you’re doing a great job (if you’re in a competitive niche).

What are the best ways to monetize a new blog?

Here are some of the best ways to monetize a new blog.
– Sell your services such as writing, design, etc
– Promote affiliate products
– Try display ads such as AdSense

Browse more Blogging Resources:

Final Thoughts on the First 6 Months of Blogging

Yes, the first six months to 1 year of blogging is really the hardest but you should be aware of one simple thing it takes time and consistency to build a money-making blog.

Just don’t look for shortcuts and get carried away if you don’t see results in terms of traffic and sales in the beginning, then you’ll be fine.

Do you’ve any questions related to making money from blogging? What do you think are the reasons people quit within their first 6 months of blogging? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

About Author
Anil Agarwal is the Founder of Bloggerspassion. He is a full-time blogger and SEO expert who has been helping people build profitable blogs for over a decade Now. He has been featured in Over 100 Publications including Forbes, The HuffPost, HubSpot, Shopify, Semrush, Kinsta, Bluehost, Hostinger and G2.com etc. Know more about Anil Agarwal from here.

Reader Comments (72)

  1. Thank you Anil Agarwal. I learnt a lot from your post.

    My blog was created about two weeks ago, and I am almost pissing off – since no one is visiting. But through this post I learnt that all successful bloggers once face the same things: No visits, no comment, no revenue.

    Now, with this information I know I am not alone.


  2. Awesome article, Anil. It was much needed, at least for me. Having been struggling with my own blog for around 7-8months, I totally understand whatever you have mentioned here. Thanks for sharing these really helpful tips. I’m sure it will help and I’ll make sure to follow these to improve my own blog.

  3. hello Anil sir,
    I am agreed with your all points, maybe you forgot about Youtube, Youtube is a great platform to goes your content viral and also Yotube has lots of daily views so we have to take advantage of Youtube. when my blog was new that time Youtube is my main source for traffic.

  4. hi anil
    yes, blogging takes time. it may be months or even years. it totally depend upon how much time we are putting, how we are doing smartly, how we are connecting with others, how we are engaging on social media. all these factors come into play while blogging. we have to follow the industry experts, we have to read and apply the influencers suggestions for their blog posts. great article.

    • Hi Venkat, true that it takes time to build a money making blog. If it was so easy, everyone would be blogging, right? You need to be consistent, create great content for a long time, bring traffic from search to be able to generate profits from your blog. That’s why first 6 months of blogging is so much important. Glad you found it useful.

  5. I started my blogging journey at 6 month ago, now i slowly slowly understand what SEO is ! because SEO is the one and only way to get Organic traffic. after rank 5-6 contents i can say ” OBSERVE+RESEARCH+PRACTICE+APPLY+AND KEEP patience = GOOD RESULT

    • Hi Ashish, that’s a keen observation. Glad you’re learning about SEO. Make sure to spend time on learning how to find great keywords using tools like SEMrush, Ubersuggest and so on. You can also subscribe to Moz Friday whiteboard videos where you can a ton of things about SEO.

  6. Improve a blog search engine position is a hard work, and probably will take more than 6 months to have good results in a competitive niches. But create theses objectives is a excellent way to stay motivate in the tedious process of Search Engine Optimization.

    • Yes, that’s so true, increasing your search traffic is not easy as it sounds. That’s why many people fail to build money making blogs. It takes time and you need to be consistent.

    • Great article and providing great information. I like the most in this article which is, you have given a valuable and realistic solution for every problem. I understand well blogging is not like a Quick rich machine its a marathon. It takes time definately. But reading your article, everyone will motivate again and think by some different angle about what can do some different things to bring traffic , how can do better SEO. So in total you have written great post. Thanks a lot and last I have one Question, What should the target how much blog post to write at first 6 month as a newbie.

  7. Once again, you are discoursing another topic that is less talked about by pro bloggers. One thing that amazes me about you is that you did not only share quality tips and tricks, you also inspire and encourages new blogger. kudos to you man.
    I promise to locate you when i visit India as i am Planning to visit soon.
    thanks once again
    thumb up

    • Hi Simon, so glad. Yes, do visit India and when you come here, do let me know and I stay in Delhi, we can definitely catch up some day. Thanks for the great words.

  8. Loved this article read through many articles but none as relatable as much as this one. I have just started blogging around three months ago and my daily traffic was always in range of (0-8) and all those were from facebook or other media accounts none from google. This gets quite frustrating honestly as it feels like shouting in thin air.
    Really glad to see I am not the only one and am not in a situation that is unique to me.

    Thanks for the article it put a lot of things in the right perspective for me and now I know what I should do in the next 3 months. Definitely going to bookmark this article.

    • Hey Som, yes you’re not the only one who’s struggling with pitiful of traffic. Almost everyone without the right SEO strategy struggles with getting more traffic especially from search. You need to create contents by optimizing them for few keywords. Only then, you’ll get good results in the long run.

  9. I am a new logger and all the points that you have explained here sound so true for me! It is as if, I am reading my own report! My blog is just 3 months old but I can identify the hopes and fears expressed in this post.
    Thank you so much.

    • Hi Sukanya, glad you liked it and nice to find that you’re doing well with your 3 months old blog. My top tip is to focus on building a network around your blog either using a Facebook group or email list so you don’t have to rely upon Google for sending you traffic.

  10. Dear Anil,

    I have started my own educational blog and trying very hard to sustain it on the net from the last one year. After reading your article I am truly inspired and like to say tons of thank for this wonderful article. Would you guide me how can i stay here in blogging world.

    Kind regards
    Raju Vasishtha

    • Hi Raju, just make sure to focus on being consistent. Plan your content well in advance. Look at your competitors sites and find out their top performing keywords. See if you can cover those topics and create 10x better content. That’s how you can establish yourself as an authority in your field.

  11. Thank you so much Anil Sir for sharing the article. By the far, this is the best blog about the initial stage of the blogging if you want to become a pro in blogging and I am surely going to implement these tactics.

    • Hi Jyoti, yes once you get past the initial stages of blogging and start making money, you can get comfortable with blogging.

  12. Blogging really does feel like an uphill battle, especially in the beginning. It’s likely that you’ll publish article after article with absolutely zero results.

    It’s really no different than publishing several YouTube videos with only one or two views each. Who wouldn’t want to give up?

    The difference between winners and losers lies in their perseverance, along with a solid plan consisting of realistic goals and milestones. And as you said, the promotion (and networking) is vastly superior to simply posting mindlessly and endlessly.

    The question to new bloggers now is: Are you going to be just another person that gave up too soon?

    Thanks for the awesome read,

    • Hi Elvis, it’s so true what you said, blogging really does feel like an uphill battle, especially in the beginning. It’s likely that you’ll publish article after article with absolutely zero results. But that’s what any real business feels like. You need to hustle a lot to see the results.

  13. Hello Anil,
    Exactly you wrote here the real story of every bloggers now they are may be expert or even still beginners. But in my opinion, the consistency and dedication makes a blogger success. Because, i have failed with many my sites, i can rank the websites but the ranking dropped some days ago. And analyzed those reason and again start blogging and clearing all those mistakes and learned a lot from mistakes. When a blogger know what to do and what don’t do and working consistently, success will follow him. Anyway, Thanks for this valuable post here.


    • Hi Shajeer, yes, consistency and dedication makes a blogger successful. If you’re not consistent, no matter how talented you are, you’ll never build a profitable blog. Just make sure to create a content calendar for at least 1 year for your blog, be consistent with your posting frequency, find new ways to grow your traffic.

  14. Hey Anil,

    You are right, beginning of any venture is the hardest. We make our minds about the things we would do when we achieve a certain goal but the reality is that, it would take a lot of effort and dedication.
    Whenever I am feeling low, I go to Reddit’s just started subreddit and read success stories.
    They are the true inspirational material.
    Anyways kudos on the awesome article
    keep up the good work

    • Hi Bhawna, yes beginning is always the hardest because it’s hard to climb when you don’t see any results even if you’re working hard. That’s why you need to keep small and tiny goals you can achieve regularly. For instance, if you’re just starting out, you can get your first 50 subscribers and then focus on 100, 250 and so on.

  15. I started my blog back in February and was discouraged at first, especially after the first few months where page views were really low. It has definitely picked up as of late and it’s been awesome! Pinterest has been a major factor in driving traffic to my site. The key to using Pinterest is making your graphics look clean and inviting. I use Canva and it has been so helpful. Also, don’t be afraid to make multiple edits to your graphic if they aren’t up to par. You definitely don’t have to strive for perfection, but spell-check, have a good color scheme, and write captivating text!

    • Hi Gigi, Yes, as you said the key to using Pinterest is making your graphics look clean and inviting. I also use Canva and it has been so helpful for image editing (we also use photoshop tools to edit our images on the blog) As you said, don’t be afraid to make multiple edits to your graphic if they aren’t up to par. You definitely don’t have to strive for perfection, but spell-check, have a good color scheme, and write captivating text. Thanks for the comment and suggestions.

  16. I have been blogging for the past 4 months. I write or update my blog once in a week. So far one of my artcle is ranking in google first page. Lucky me huh!

    • Hi Faith glad to know that you are ranking on first page of Google. Just make sure not to depend only upon Google if you want long lasting results. You should always diversify your traffic sources.

  17. Also, most new bloggers try to do this alone.

    Building a community isn’t just successful for your blog, it’s also a great way to receive support and motivation that will keep you going.

    • That’s so true, like most people think, building a community isn’t just successful for your blog, it’s also a great way to receive support and motivation that will keep you going. It will also help you easily get in touch with others, know their problems, share ideas, bring more traffic, increase your site sales and so on.

  18. Nice post. I have a 10 months blog and all this is true. I would like to add testing and site optimization as the things you should do with your blog. This includes SEO but site speed, design and performance too.

    • Yes both testing and site optimization should be done if you want to take your blog to the next level. Make sure to increase your site speed as search engines do love sites that open quickly in ideal circumstances. Site speed heavily depends on your server’s response time. JavaScript and CSS also play an important role to create a website with a fast average site speed.

  19. indeed true, I am still on my 4 months of blogging, your words resonate me, thank you for sharing this useful information with us.

  20. That’s a really motivating post Anil. I can relate this to my 10k running experiences where most newbie’s run full speed in the start and after 3-4 kms they loose all energy, are not anywhere near to the finish line and finally give up. Initially i did the same mistake and realised key lies in maintaining a consistent speed, staying motivated and not burning out self in excitement.
    When i started blogging 4 months back the first month pageviews were 86 and today the same number is for a days page view.I see google also referring my pages.I am really hoping to see better results in near future.

    • Hi Sumil, great comparison if you’re new to 10k, you’ll find it hard to even run for 2 minutes. But with time and practice, you’ll learn how to speed up and when to run slow to finish 10k run. Just like that, blogging is what comes naturally with experience. The more you blog, the better things you’ll learn. Glad to know that your traffic is increasing month by month. All the best.

  21. Very true… First 6 months is like the sad and hardest part for any blogger. I too have gone through the same. Only determined bloggers will come out with flying colors…

    • Exactly, only determined bloggers will succeed. That’s the whole point of this post. If you’re new to blogging, make sure to focus on building a community and spreading your word instead of making money.

  22. Hi,
    It is really hard for maintaining the blog first six months period,Because nobody will knows our blog.but for reaching blog much more wider social media like Facebook and Google plus etc which helps us our blog will reach many more people.For money making point of view,one should prepare for their initial days,because no income will come.More important thing is Blogger should post good article then only people will visit our blog regularly.thanks for sharing your ideas to us.

    • Hi Rajesh, it’s true. No one knows you and no one reads your blog if your blog is new. Even if your content is great, you need to spread the word out. You can do commenting, guest posting, social media promotion and all to succeed.

  23. Great Post Anil,
    The pain points you noted and the solution given to them are great. I agree with you that first six month are struggling to any blogger and blogger need to survive in those conditions. If he do that, he can eligible to be called as a real blogger.

    • Hi Nikhil, yes first 6 months of blogging is always the hardest and that’s the reason why you need to work even harder. Just focus on the process, not the results if you want to succeed.

  24. So so true…. I know a lot of bloggers who have been trying to make money online and then after a few months they are gone!

    You stated the reasons clearly why bloggers fails and if only they can just follow the guide provided here, they will be successful just like bloggerspassion.com

    Connecting with other bloggers have been one of the thing that has increased my earnings and a little popularity 😀

    • Congrats frank for the good work that are doing.

      Whenever i’m approached by a newbie blogger, I try to make him convince like you should keep on giving you best efforts and soon result will come your way. Don’t lose faith in your abilities. No one is going become a millionaire overnight with blogging. Its going to take some time before you start smelling the taste of success from your blog.

  25. These days people stat blogging that after seeing some earning proofs of others and think they can also make money easily and later they realizes that the amount of hard work need to put initially and they quit from blogging.

    So in the initial 6 months we should put hard work to prove stand out from the crowd.

    • Yes, Naveen you are absolutely right, there are lots of blogger who fakes their earnings and that’s why many starts blogging. Although these earning sometimes keep us motivated but if we only look for money and money then it’s waste of time.

  26. Hi Anil. It is my own experience that the only thing that can help an amateur continue for more than 6 months is his interest and will power.

    Usually, people think of blogging as a get rich quick scheme or a job with less efforts and that’s why low traffic or no earnings make it difficult for them to continue.

    Whenever I meet any of my friend who faces the same situation, I advice them to keep patience, have faith in their work and to keep going.

    • Hello@Mahaveer:- I agree your opinion that patience and traffic is the key to success in the blogging. But I saw many bloggers which having good traffic on their blog but stills they unable to take good amount of money from their blog.
      In addition, to the traffic, patience another factors which matters a lot about the identify of the blogger in the blogosphere. without identity you can not get comment, backlinks etc. on your blogs, that is also a plus points.

    • That’s true. Its due to our will power and interest about the thing we are blogging inspires us keep on doing blogging whether we are able to make any money from our blogs or not. The real problem is for lots of those bloggers who started doing blogging just for money and who were expecting like they will become rich overnight with blogging, which is not true.

  27. Great post sir.And I am really feeling good now that there are probloggers like you really care for the newbies. I am going from this peroid now and understand that its all matter of hardwork and patience

  28. Awesome post Anil and inspiring as well. It is very hard to keep on going without having any money making program and less traffic but blog like BloggersPassion keep us inspired and motivated. One thing you said about fiverr that in starting we can make money from it but it is still hard for a newbie to get work their unless he offers something unique. So I would say try to improve your skills in first six months and forget about making money.

    • Hi Pramod, yes it’s indeed hard to get motivation when you don’t see results like traffic or sales from your blog. But that’s how it is. You need to be determined to be able to create a money making blog.

  29. The first crucial month of a blogger is like a first six months of a new born baby 🙂
    when someone starts as a newbie, it’s really difficult to stand out from the crowd because almost all niches are crowded with thousands of blogs.

    • True that, if your treat your blog like a baby, you’ll be spending most time around developing it. Just make sure to find ways to make money from your new blog so you can sustain it for a long time.

  30. Hello@Anil:- I am also agree your all points. But, I think you have also mention LinkedIn as another great social media platforms, because LinkedIn can give a new ways to and brand and there are thousands of Business owner, freelance, blogger and many other people who daily used LinkedIn. and LinkedIn is also great tools to popularize a new blogs.

    • Hi Vikas, Yes, LinkedIn is great and it is not a platform to forget about it. Microsoft purchased for 26 billion dollars so they won’t let it slide away and it’s the go-to platform for professionals, particularly in B2B space. Just make sure to pay attention to your personal brand on social networks. Current or future customers might checking you out on LinkedIn and probably all networks and you’ll succeed.


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